Thursday, March 28, 2013

Healthy Lifestyle | Top Ten Most Nutritious Vegetables | Cruciferous Vegetables | Carrots | Tomatoes

Top Ten Most Nutritious Vegetables

The list of the most nutritious vegetables is little bit hard to organize. Since most vegetables are nutritious and have certain properties that are unique from each other, justice cannot be made in its purest sense. The vegetables you require may also vary depending upon your need and preference. As this might be the case, the vegetables listed here are shown to have the most benefits according to research. So here are the top ten most nutritious vegetables.

10. Bell Pepper
Top Ten Most Nutritious Vegetables
Starting in our countdown, the bell pepper hits the number ten spot. Bell peppers are mostly known as flavor-enhancement. But you must not ignore this vegetable as this is packed with vitamins A, B, C and K, manganese, potassium, and fiber. There are many colors of bell peppers and all of them are equally nutritious.

9. Squash
Rich in vitamins A and C, potassium, magnesium, fiber, and carotenoid, squash is perfect for people who want to lose weight. The greatest strength of squash is its ability to provide a good source for vitamins that are good for eye-sight.

8. Sweet Potatoes
Top Ten Most Nutritious Vegetables
Potatoes are a good source of carbohydrates and can be a good replacement for rice. Most people who want to develop a slim midsection can use sweet potatoes as their staple food. Sweet potatoes are also rich in carotenoids, potassium, iron, fiber, and vitamins A, B6 and C.

7. Beans and Peas
Top Ten Most Nutritious Vegetables
Beans and peas are types of legumes which may include lentils, garbanzo beans, kidney beans and many others. Beans are considered to be the “poor man’s meat” because it is rich in protein. Legumes are also rich in folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and fiber.

6. Allium Foods
Top Ten Most Nutritious Vegetables
These foods include garlic and onion. Allium foods are known for their antibiotic property that can fight off bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. Another benefit of allium foods is they can reduce inflammation, improve immunity, and prevent infection.

5. Asparagus
Top Ten Most Nutritious Vegetables
It is advisable that asparagus should not be overcooked to prevent its nutritional content from diminishing. Asparagus can help you improve your immune system. It is rich in vitamins A, C, K and B complex. Furthermore, asparagus is rich in B6 and folic acid that can help improve the function of your nervous system.

4. Leafy Greens
Top Ten Most Nutritious Vegetables
Dark-colored green vegetables are more preferred over those having lighter color. Generally, vegetables should not be overcooked and it is even advisable to eat them raw or lightly steamed. Green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins B, C, E and K, magnesium, carotenoid, calcium, potassium, and iron.

3. Tomatoes
Top Ten Most Nutritious Vegetables
Tomatoes are very good for the heart because of the high concentration of lycopene. Especially nowadays that heart disease is the leading cause of death, tomatoes can help you to have a healthy heart. In addition to this, tomatoes are also high in vitamin C that is essential for improved immunity.

2. Carrots
Top Ten Most Nutritious Vegetables
Recent studies show that carrots have anti-cancer properties. It is best to eat carrots raw and it can serve as a very convenient finger food. Carrots are high in carotenoids and vitamin A that can help you improve your eyesight and prevent eye diseases. Furthermore, Carrots are rich in other vitamins and minerals such as B, C, and K, folate, magnesium, and potassium.

1. Cruciferous Vegetables
Top Ten Most Nutritious Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables include green and red cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and broccoli. These group of vegetables are filled with anti-aging properties and are proven to decrease the chance of developing cancers. 

Cruciferous vegetables are rich in phytonutrients that can help boost immune system and fight off diseases. Being rich in vitamins C and K, it can assist the body to normalize blood clotting and maintaining the integrity of cells.

These are just some of the best vegetables that should be included in your daily diet. You might have thought of other vegetables that are common in your place that are as beneficial as the vegetables mentioned above. 

A regular consumption of these vegetables will help you improve your health and wellness. With additional exercise and healthy living, you can be assured that you will have a better quality of life. So the next time your mom tells you to eat your veggies, do yourself a favor and obey your mom.

Migraine | Home Natural Remedies For Migraine

Home Remedies For Migraine

1. Migraine can be treated effectively with the help of fresh grape juice. Grind grapes to extract the juice. Consume the juice in the concentrated form, without adding water.

2. Increase the intake of niacin (vitamin B3), as it has been found to be helpful in alleviating migraine pain. Some of the foods rich in niacin are yeast, whole wheat, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, nuts, sunflower seeds, liver and fish.

3. Cabbage leaves are helpful in relieving the pain of a migraine headache. Squash cabbage leaves and place them in a cloth. Place the cloth on your forehead for some time. Once the cabbage leaves become dry, remove the cloth and make a fresh one.

4. Lemon peel is helpful in solving migraine headache. Grind lemon peel to form a paste and apply it on the forehead. Let it dry and then rinse off with cool water.

5. A mixture of carrot juice, either with spinach, beet or cucumber juice, works effectively in curing migraine. Combine 300 ml of carrot juice with 200 ml of any other juice and drink it.

6. You can also mix 100 ml each of beet and cucumber juices, with 300 ml of carrot juice and drink it on a regular basis.

7. Massaging the forehead with primrose oil is beneficial in curing migraine. It works as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, preventing any kind of constriction in the blood vessels.

8. Include garlic in your diet. Either chew a piece of garlic in the raw form or mix it with other food items.

9. Another effective method would be to have chamomile tea. This is effective in reducing the occurrence of migraine.

10. Taking lukewarm water enema is effective. It cleanses the bowels, thereby removing the toxins from the body and helping prevent migraine.

11. Take some sandalwood powder and add a few drops of water to it, so as to form a paste. Apply this paste on the forehead and let it dry. Once dry, rub it off by hand and wash it.

12. It is advisable to avoid direct sunlight; smoking and drinking alcohol, as all these can aggravate migraine

Healthy Lifestyle | Are you eating enough of these 5 amazing foods that help reduce high blood pressure? | High Blood Pressure | Artichokes | Bananas | Beets | Cocoa | Garlic

Are you eating enough of these 5 amazing foods that help reduce high blood pressure?

Frank Mangano

By Frank Mangano
Consumer Health Advocate
Author of the popular book: Blood Pressure Miracle

5 Powerful Foods That Lower Your Blood Pressure
Did you know that stroke and coronary heart disease still remain to be on the list of the top three main causes of death in the USA and the world over ? It's time to take your health seriously so you don't fall victim to these!

What is High Blood Pressure and how does this come into play?

According to the National Institute for Health, blood pressure levels of 140/90 mmHg or more can be classified ashypertension.

The worst part about having high blood pressure is that the condition can sometimes be present without any symptoms and before we know it, the damage is already extensive. Serious problems that have been associated with high blood pressure include kidney failure, heart attack,
heart failure and stroke.

What are the Risk Factors Associated with High Blood Pressure?
Blood pressure can be influenced by a lot of factors – age, race, family history, tobacco use, sedentary lifestyle, diet, binge drinking, and stress levels. Chronic conditions such as sleep apnea, diabetes and high cholesterol levels can also precipitate the development of hypertension.

What can You Do to Lower Blood Pressure?You don't need potentially dangerous drugs to control and reduce your blood pressure. Controlling blood pressure levels could be as simple as doing lifestyle modifications and eating healthier.

If you are a smoker, quit. If you drink heavily, try to practice self-control. At work, take the stairs instead of the elevator. And if you have been obsessed with sweet, sugary foods as well as processed fast-food meals, then modify your eating habits as well. Learn to eat the right kinds of food before it's too late.

Below are 5 of my top picks for powerful foods that could help you lower your blood pressure levels:

1. Artichokes : artichokes help lower blood pressure
The use of artichokes has been implicated in the lowering of cholesterol levels in the blood. Since hypercholesterolemia is one of the risk factors for high blood pressure, this information is actually good news. Three clinical trials conducted separately by Dr. Barbara Wider supports this fact. In Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews’ October 2009 issue, where the result of the study was published, it was shown that patients who were diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia and given Artichoke leaf extract exhibited a decrease in their blood cholesterol levels.

Artichokes taste amazing steamed (generally steam for about 1 hour) and then dip each piece into a mixture of olive oil, grass-fed butter, and garlic. Delicious!

2. Bananas : bananas cut high blood pressure
A study published in The New England Journal of Medicine says that incorporating bananas in your day-to-day meals can actually cut stroke-related deaths by as much as 40 percent. A 1997 study at Johns Hopkins University recommended eating at least five bananas daily to achieve the desired effect, and that is to lower elevated blood pressure levels. However, a study conducted by Indian researchers at the Kasturba medical college revealed that people who eat two bananas a day, for one whole week, can lower their blood pressure levels by 10 percent.

Bananas are rich in potassium, which is responsible for the proper functioning of the heart. It works with sodium to maintain balance of the body’s fluids, which is an important factor in the regulation of blood pressure.

3. Beets : compounds in beets beat blood pressure
A research study conducted by scientists from Barts and The London School Medicine revealed that simply drinking one 500 ml glass of beetroot juice each day can produce astounding health benefits, especially to the heart.

Beetroot juice has been found to lower high blood pressure levels. Professors Amrita Ahluwalia and Ben Benjamin, from the William Harvey Research Institute and Peninsula Medical Center, respectively, led the research efforts, which revealed that the consumption of dietary nitrate that is found in beetroot has BP-lowering effects in as fast as 1 hour after ingestion, with the effect lasting for up to 24 hours. The result of the study was published in the March 2008 issue of Hypertension.

You can try beetroot juice, or also try baked beets sliced on salads or as a side dish to dinner.

4. Cocoa : cocoa helps lower blood pressure
A study conducted by researchers from Germany’s University Hospital of Cologne revealed that cocoa can significantly lower high blood pressure levels. Study results were published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. The beneficial heart effects of cocoa are attributed to its flavonoid content, specifically procyanids.

Because cocoa is most commonly found in chocolate, people falsely assume that eating a lot of chocolate could be good for the health. Keep in mind that cocoa in chocolates have undergone a lot of processing, and it has been mixed with loads of sugar, so this is not totally healthy. The best way to take advantage of the health benefits offered by cocoa is to choose raw cacao – it is good for the heart, the brain and the liver. Raw cacao nibs go great in smoothies! Also use organic cocoa powder in smoothies or homemade hot cocoa sweetened with stevia instead of sugar.

5. Garlic : garlic fights hypertension
Researchers from South Australia’s University of Adelaide have conducted studies, which provide solid proof that the consumption of garlic can indeed help lower elevated blood pressure levels. Garlic supplements in powder form were given and results revealed that it produced a reduction in systolic blood pressure. Garlic has been known all over the world as a very important herb, especially with its heart-protecting capabilities. It helps lower blood cholesterol levels and prevents blood from forming clots (which could lead to heart attack and stroke).

Furthermore, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal has published the results of a laboratory test showing how garlic juice can lead to a decrease in blood pressure levels. Eating the equivalent of 2 cloves of garlic each day can significantly contribute to the health of the heart.


Frank Mangano is an American author, researcher, health advocate and entrepreneur in the field of alternative health. He was born August 9th, 1977 in New York City where he still currently resides. Mangano is the author of several books including The 60 Day Prescription Free Cholesterol Cure, The Mind Killer Defense, which he co-authored with Dr. Cynthia Foster, M.D. and Kim Wierman, You Can Attract It, which he co-authored with Clinical Hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones and The Blood Pressure Miracle, which hit best seller in three categories on within days of its release. Additionally, he has published numerous reports and a considerable amount of articles pertaining to natural health.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

The Health Dangers of Soda | Is soda really bad for you and your grandkids?

The Health Dangers of Soda

Is soda really bad for you and your grandkids? Take our quiz to find out.

By Beth Levine

Q: Soda contributes to obesity?
TRUE. More and more evidence shows that drinking sugary drinks increases the risk of obesity or weight gain in children and adults, because of the sugar and high-fructose corn syrup in soda, says Julie Salz Greenstein, Deputy Director, Health Promotion Policy, Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). 
In fact, an extra soft drink a day increases a child's risk of obesity by 60%, she says. Why? When people eat solid food, they feel more full and are less likely to eat extra calories. However, when you drink you do not get that full feeling, so you eat in addition to drinking your soda, and end up consuming far more calories.

Q: You'd have to drink more soda than the average American to gain weight?
FALSE. First off, the average American drinks a lot of soda: According to studies, sugary drinks are the single largest source of calories in the American diet with the average American drinking about 40 gallons a year (which is about the weight of a preschooler!) 
The average American consumes 77 grams (6.1 tablespoons or 308 calories) of added sugar per day, and kids as young as three years old are consuming more than 12 grams (1 tablespoon or 46 calories). 

(Almost half of all added sugars comes from sugary drinks (soda, energy drinks, sport drinks, fruit drinks).) To put the numbers into perspective, the American Heart Association recommends that adults have no more than six to nine teaspoons of sugar per day, and kids have between three and eight teaspoons a day.

Q: There is no link between soda and cancer?
FALSE. The caramel coloring used in most colas is has been linked to two cancer-causing chemicals. In February 2011, CSPI petitioned the FDA to ban its use. The artificial brown coloring in sodas is made by reacting sugars with high pressure and temperatures. Chemical reactions result in the formation of 2-methylimidazole and 4-methylimidazole which in government-conducted studies caused lung, liver, or thyroid cancer or leukemia in laboratory mice or rats. In addition, several studies have found correlations between soda consumption and lymphoma, leukemia and prostate cancers.

Q: Drinking soda can lead to diabetes and stroke?

TRUE. Drinking just one to two sugary drinks per day increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by about 25%, according to a Harvard University study, and a study in the American Journal of Nutrition that found an increased risk of stroke in people who consumed more than one soda per day. If that’s not enough of a deterrent, diabetes also can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Q: Soda rots your teeth?

TRUE. Soda consumption nearly doubles the risk of cavities in children and increases the likelihood in adults. “The acid in soda and other sugary drinks causes erosion of tooth enamel, while the sugar in the beverages provide fuel for bacteria that cause tooth decay,” says Greenstein.

Q: Soda causes osteoporosis?

TRUE AND FALSE. A Tufts University study found that daily consumption of colas is associated with low bone-mineral density in older women. The link was not found in other carbonated drinks.

Q: Drinking soda can cause high blood pressure?

TRUE. A study by the Louisiana State University Health Science Center School of Public Health in New Orleans found that drinking too many sugary drinks can increase blood pressure levels, while the International Study of Macro/Micronutrients and Blood Pressure (INTERMAP) notes that for every extra daily sugary drink, subjects on average had a significant increase in blood pressure.

Q: You can avoid all these risks by switching to diet soda?

FALSE. While diet sodas contain few or no calories, they do have tooth-eroding acids, caffeine, and/or artificial sweeteners. In addition, a University of Miami study found that subjects who drank diet soda every day had a 61% higher risk of vascular events than those who reported no soda drinking.

Q: Switching to diet soda helps keep the weight down?

FALSE. INTERMAP reported that people who drank diet soda had higher body mass index than those who did not and had lower levels of physical activity.

How to Kick the Habit
If you or your grandkids can’t go cold turkey and give up your soda-fix, here's what you can do:

• Try drinking smaller serving sizes.  Order small serving sizes at restaurants, or split a can of soda with someone. Keep in mind that one twelve-ounce can has about 10 teaspoons (more than 3 tablespoons) of sugar. New York City’s Mayor Bloomberg has actually banned sales of 16-ounce sodas!

• Cut the soda with seltzer, gradually increasing the amount of seltzer.

• Switch to water, unsweetened tea, or seltzer. Flavor with lemon, lime, or fresh mint.

• Drink 100% fruit juice. While it does have sugar, it also has healthful nutrients, as opposed to soda’s empty calories. If you miss the carbonation, add seltzer.